Decembeard for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Decembeard is an annual fundraising and awareness campaign that encourages individuals to grow beards during the month of December to support and raise funds for bowel cancer research and awareness. This light-hearted yet impactful campaign empowers participants to embrace their facial hair and engage in conversations about a critical health issue. What is Decembeard 2023?…

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Join us to raise vital awareness. Pancreatic cancer develops when cells in the pancreas grow out of control, forming a lump. You might hear this called a tumour, lesion or mass. There are different types of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the most common type. Neuroendocrine cancers are…

Diabetic eye screening is changing

If your last two diabetic eye screens found no sign of diabetic retinopathy, you will now be invited for screening every 2 years. This follows expert advice. Diabetic eye screening is important as it helps to prevent sight loss. Have regular eye tests and consult your optometrist or optician if you notice changes to your…