Stress Awareness Month

April stress awareness month banner

Stress awareness month has been held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.

According to the Mental Health Foundation in 2021 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

As part of stress awareness month they run a 30 day challenge which encourages you to pick one action each day to benefit your physical, mental or emotional wellbeing.

The theme for 2024 is #LittleByLittle which highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on over-all wellbeing. For Stress Awareness Month 2024 The Stress Management Society, want to emphasise how even the smallest steps taken each day towards self-care and stress reduction can yield significant improvement in mental health over time. They encourage you to focus on making management adjustments to your daily routine. While the impact of small actions on their own may seem little, the cumulative effects of these habits can end up being profound!

For more information click here